Bima Regency BPS Partner Candidate Recruitment in 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bima Regency

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Bima Regency BPS Partner Candidate Recruitment in 2022

Bima Regency BPS Partner Candidate Recruitment in 2022

January 21, 2022 | Other Activities

BPS Kabupaten Bima Opens the recruitment of Partners in 2022. For the people of Kabupaten Bima who wish to participate, please participate in the selection activities.

For those of you who are interested in being part of the Bima Regency BPS Partners, register yourself immediately by accessing the following link: Rekrutmen BPS Kabupaten Bima

Required Conditions:

1.     Minimum education high school / equivalent

2.     Can read maps, both sketch maps and digital maps (example: Google Maps )

3.     Have an Android-based smartphone (not IOS/Iphone) with the following specifications:

a.           Minimum version 4.3.0 with Internal GPS works fine

b.          Minimum unused internal storage capacity of 1 GB

c.           Minimum RAM capacity of 2 GB

4.     Smartphones must be owned by themselves with an IMEI number that will be registered at the Bima Regency BPS and used during carrying out activities

5.     Smartphones must be able to and have installed applications from Playstore such as GPS-TEST, OPEN CAMERA, SW MAPS, KBLI ONLINE, STATISTICS CLINIC

6.     Accustomed to using android-based applications

7.     Have an active Google or Gmail account

8.     Priority is given to the task area according to the domicile village and able to ride a motorbike and willing to do training before carrying out activities

9.     Ready to commit, work well and be responsible

10.  The follow-up test will be carried out at the Bima Regency BPS office


-        After registering you will be given several tests as a selection condition

-        If there is an error when entering personal data when filling out the form, it will be immediately declared invalid

-        The committee's decision is absolute and cannot be contested

-        Due to the density of activities at the Bima Regency BPS, the admin did not respond to questions that were deemed obvious

-        For more detailed information, please visit the website or facebook account of BPS Kabupaten Bima.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bima

(BPS-Statistics Bima Regency)

Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Talabiu - Woha

Kabupaten Bima 84171

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